Super-twist displays use the basic TN LCD model but rather than a 90° twist they use a 270° twist. This extra twist gives the display its name. While super-twist displays provide a higher contrast, the extra 180° of twist consumes more time. Thus, super-twist panels are not recommended for high speed applications. Most super-twist displays use a backlight to provide a higher contrast ratio for the display. This backlight gives the display a blue appearance.
A new method type of super-twist display is gaining popularity. It uses the basic super-twist technology with a few changes. The first is a fluorescent light is used to provide a purer white light. Light emerging from the source is twisted 270° is a first layer of liquid crystal material. One the light emerges from the crystal it is twisted 90° to regain the white background. Some displays use a different layer to produce the same effect. This white background is why people call this a "page-white" display.